Learning with our heart and all our senses

Trust your Senses

We reconnect institutionalized elementary school with its roots and its actual task:

Education in the sense of personality development.

Learning with our heart, our brain and all our senses.


Our vision is a society with a completely new approach to learning and education. Focuses on the challenges and side effects of virtual disruption. Children and young people, pupils and students have both feet firmly planted in real life.

Accompanies you in rediscovering your own 5 senses as an essential basis for all learning and as a vital complement to the challenges and opportunities of digitalization.

The goal is a school in which learning is done with all the senses, with the heart, brain and hands, thus enabling holistic development.

"Supersense" combines both meanings of "sense":
Sense as a “real, physical feeling” (touch, taste, smell, see, hear)
Sense as “meaning of something”

School should “make sense”, which is why the “Independent School Of Supersense” uses the unique and meaningful offering of the workshops and learning locations in the “House of Supersense”. In the form of projects, practical analogue activity accompanies, inspires and complements the educational work with children and young people, as learning full of meaning.

Due to the orientation towards the child and the individual development level of each child, there is no age-related class group, but only multi-level groups. Each child learns at their own pace and according to their individual learning plan, which builds on the child's own potential and allows it to develop.

The “Independent School Of Supersense” started in September 2023 with 17 children in grades 1-5 school level began operations as an inclusive, independent private school. We have now already received public access rights for the 2023/24 school year. After the first intensive phase of implementation, the learning workshop is currently in the development phase. When fully expanded, the Supersense learning workshop will be an offer for around 45 children and young people in grades 1-9 school level.


3 BASIC PRINCIPLES of learning characterize the Supersense learning space:


Learning from the heart, from what I feel.
Follow your own interests, questions, talents.
Learning as a path of your own heart, as a path to yourself.
Learning as a development, as 'Bildung' (education) in its very own sense, 'building' a person.
Sich entdecken, sich erfahren, und damit die Welt erfahren.
Discover yourself, experience yourself, and thus experience the world.
Learning in the midst of life, in every moment where a child wants to can-feel-know-understand something.

The path of learning happens by itself when a child is allowed to follow their heart, themself, and gets everything that is needed for it.


Real, physical, tangible, comprehensible experience is at the heart of learning; Feel, Touch, Taste, Smell, See, Hear.

At the same time, sensory learning also means that something MAKES SENSE, that what I do has meaning, for me, for others, that it is MEANINGFUL.

Learning is creativity in its very own sense, creating something with your own ideas.

Learning happens with things that want to be researched, with role models who show and set an example, with peers with whom we exchange ideas, with older people who are asked about experiences and stories, with people who show and pass on their skills.

Learning happens in the House of Supersense in a prepared environment with a variety of materials, it happens in and from nature, in the middle of the world and through the world.


Thinking is good, thinking for yourself is better.

Learn to ask questions, your own questions.

Discovering and developing your own talents through the joy of learning.

Build on your own strengths by taking responsibility for your own activity and discovering learning.

Build on yourself, trust yourself.

The teachers are learning companions, take up what comes from the child, show, offer, accompany, lead the child appreciatively on their way, give feedback on the learning and development process.

The learning environment is designed in such a way that the children learn independently and from their interests, ask real questions and look for answers.






The School

The “Independent School Of Supersense” (ISOS) is an inclusive, independent school with its own organizational statute, founded and developed in cooperation with Supersense.

The school sponsor is the "Verein Freie Lernwerkstatt Supersense", a member of the Vienna umbrella organization and the nationwide network of independent schools.

Since September 2023, the ISOS has been run as a private school for 17 children. Public access rights have been granted for the current school year, must be applied for again for 2024/25 and will then probably be granted again.

The ISOS currently consists of a numerically larger (1st/2nd grade) and a smaller (3rd-5th grade) multi-grade group.

In the 2024/25 school year, two groups will be created (initial group = 1st - 3rd grade, expected to be 19 children, and transition group (4th - 6th grade, expected to be 10 children).

When fully developed, the ISOS will be a learning location for around 45 children from grades 1 to 9, divided into 3 groups of around 15 children each.

The Team

The team consists of six educators, offering a good mix of Montessori pedagogy, extensive practical experience, a heartfelt connection to the children, a youthful eagerness to learn, creativity, and enthusiasm for our project.

The Costs

€ 480 per month (12x a year, all-day care including high-quality lunch)

no additional costs

Sibling discount 50%

Support from the solidarity fund possible, e.g. for single parents

Registration fee: €400 one-off (as a share of the basic equipment or for further expansion of the learning workshop)

The Teaching

The teaching time is generally from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. It includes several interconnected blocks of learning time in which work is carried out in an interdisciplinary and project-oriented manner. These alternate with breaks and free times. For the entrance group, the lesson time turns into supervision time or free time from 2.30 p.m. If necessary, the lesson time can be temporarily shortened, e.g. in times of crisis or for children with special needs.

Due to the variety of learning opportunities, offers (such as the weekly outdoor day) and interests of the children, it makes sense and is desirable for the children to be present for the entire lesson, if possible, but individual exceptions are possible (e.g. for those starting school, for special needs or for afternoon courses) Due to this all-day form of learning and the basic pedagogical orientation, homework is not mandatory.

In order for child-centered individual learning and the discovery and promotion of one's own potential to be successful, it is desirable and sensible that the (compulsory) school time is viewed in its entirety and that children are given the opportunity to spend their entire school time in this learning setting to spend. The division of the multi-grade groups (1-3/4-6/7-9) corresponds most closely to our pedagogical vision and child development and avoids the widespread but unnecessary pressure to make decisions in the 4th grade!

The Lunch

The children should bring their own snack, and there will always be fruit.
At lunchtime, the children receive a high-quality lunch three days a week from the cooking team at the Cucina Itameshi restaurant in the Dogenhof, on outdoor days they cook themselves (usually around a campfire), and on one day a week we take care of ourselves of a Supersense cooking workshop.

The Parents

Parents can and should primarily fulfill their role and task as parents can perceive (maintain and operate the school). is the responsibility of the school authority).
Parental participation in organizational and administrative areas However, support is always possible and welcome, as well like parents who share their talents and abilities, for example in the form of workshop offers or visits in their working world.

Holiday regulations

According to the regulations for compulsory public schools, Exceptions are possible upon individual agreement.



Michael Pichler-König

Over 50 years of life experience
Father of 4 children


  • Graduated in special needs and curative education
  • Montessori pedagogy
  • Teaching degree for special needs schools

Professional Experience:

  • Teacher in an independent school project
  • Homeschooling teacher
  • Children's group carer
  • Lecturer at a training institute for special needs education
  • Supervisor and manager of institutions for the disabled, teacher at the Brigittenau integrative learning space (Integrativen Lernwerkstatt Brigittenau) (2010-2024)

What drives me is the passion for being a teacher, the passion to accompany children on their way to what they already are.

Educational Team 2024/25

Learning with the Heart – Learning through the Senses – Learning by Doing

  • Michael
    School Director and Learning Guide
    Focus areas: Montessori education, inclusion, crafts, experiential education
  • Marion
    Learning Guide
    Focus areas: Montessori education, inclusion, music, crafts, environmental education
  • Rebecca
    Learning Guide
    Focus areas: English, Montessori education
  • Tobias
    Learning Guide
    Focus areas: Lunchtime/afternoon/leisure supervision, cooking
  • Camilla
    Learning Guide
    Focus areas: Theater pedagogy, creative activities, project work
  • Sidonie
    Learning Guide
    Focus areas: German, art and design, media

Learning with the Heart – Learning through the Senses – Learning by Doing


Dr. Florian Kaps

Father of 3 children

PhD biologist / neurologist and spider eye muscle expert

Specializing in "Impossible Projects" for over 20 years and leading global expert in rediscovering one’s own 5 senses and (closely related) analog technologies and values in an increasingly digital world.

Founder and consultant of several international companies and projects. Since 2014 full-time managing director of SUPERSENSE GmbH in Vienna.

Firmly believes in the urgent need to radically think and live education in a new way if we are to survive on this planet.



Letter from the Principal

Dear interested parties, dear parents!

I am very grateful, touched, and overwhelmed by the enormous interest in the Freie Lernwerkstatt Supersense!
However, we are currently fully occupied with the current situation. Here are some numbers to illustrate:
  • 2022/23: Preparatory year with 9 children and 2 educators
  • 2023/24: 1st year as a private school with 18 children and 3.5 educators
  • 2024/25: 2nd year with 34 children and 6 educators
So many new children, new educators, new premises – a huge challenge! And at the same time, there is a demand like a highly successful start-up that doubles every year!
For 2025/26/27, some siblings are already firmly registered, and around 30-40 have pre-registered or expressed interest...
BUT: in the current premises at Praterstraße 70, further expansion of the learning workshop is not possible. Therefore, we have been looking for new premises for some time, and we have found one at Praterstraße 68. There, we have a unique opportunity to transform a 400m² retail space (formerly Bawag) into a SCHOOL BENCH and thus enable up to 50 children to attend our learning workshop – however, with an investment requirement of around € 80,000...
Whether we can take advantage of this opportunity in the face of this significant financial challenge will have to be decided in the next few weeks. The time frame extends roughly until early November...
Therefore, unfortunately, we cannot offer an open house or visit opportunities until then, only information evenings (without children).
FOR 2025/26:
  • Tuesday, Oct. 8, and Wednesday, Oct. 16, each at 6:00 p.m. at Praterstr. 70/12 (3rd floor)
  • Please register for one of the two dates, as space is very limited! Thank you!
FOR 2026/27/28...:
  • Tuesday, Oct. 22, 6:00 p.m. at Praterstr. 70/12 (3rd floor)

Best regards!

School Management, FLS

P.S. Anyone who already has ideas and possibilities to support us financially (crowdfunding, sponsorship, funding, loans...) is warmly invited to contribute and help bring our SCHOOL BENCH to life!

Please support this project.

Whether you can help us with just a few small coins or a larger donation, we would really be eternally grateful and can promise you that every cent will be invested directly and efficiently in the most super worthwhile school that Vienna has ever had, and thus directly and efficiently into a better future.

Verein Freie Lernwerkstatt
AT46 2011 1844 8611 7800